Video 6 - How to choose topics for your sub-niche products. In this video, we will be discussing how to pick topics for your sub-niche products. Okay, to start, let's assume you want to get into the health and fitness market. Maybe you really like the Keto diet and you want that to be one of your sub-niches. So, let's go over to Bing and validate the Keto diet to make sure it's profitable. As you can see, there are many ads for Keto diet so we know that people are spending money on it and that means it's viable and potentially profitable for us. So, the next question is, what exactly do you create your product about? You can create a general "how to" about the Keto Diet, but your competition may be too great. So, maybe we could dig down a little further and find a sub-niche that's less competitive. To do that, let's go back to and type in "keto diet" As you can see, there are all kinds of topics here that are very popular. And an important note here, I usually don't create a product on a topic unless theare are at least 1000 monthly searches for that topic. More would be better, but usually, I don't create a product for anything less. As you can see here, for the keto diet, there are many options. You could create a sub-niche product about .... Or you could create a product about... or even ... The possibilities here are endless. You could even scroll down to the topics that are less popular but still potentially viable. Here, you could create a product about .... Or .... or ... All of these are viable options. Now, when presented with all of these options, I would be more inclined to create products with the higher search numbers, simply because there would be more people to sell the product to. However, as I mentioned in a previous video, when you're creating your own Internet Marketing Retirement System, you're going to want to create more than a single product. You're going to want to, over time, have an entire library of sub-niche products your customers can choose from. That's how you'll make the most money from this process. Selling one product to one customer is great, however, selling multiple products to that customer is even better! And you won't have all your eggs in one basket which is a problem that has sunk many marketers before you. So, don't spend too much time worrying about which product to pick. Just choose one and go with it. Then after that product is done and you've started getting sales, come back to the next idea and begin working on it. Now that we've chosen a topic, let's quickly talk about what the actual product should be. When you're dealing with small sub-niches you don't need to pack your products full of information. They don't have to be 100 pages long. They can be very short. I've sold sub-niche products that are less than 5 pages. What you want to do is make sure you provide a viable solution to the problem at hand. Let's look at an example. Say I am creating a product about "The Best Vegetables To Eat On The Keto Diet" Now, for this product, I would obviously want to create a list of vegetables you can eat when on the Keto Diet. Maybe even add some recipes. That would be it. You may want to add a little bit about yourself at the beginning of the report, such as "Hello, my name is so and so, thank yiou for purchasing this product. I have been into the Keto Diet since I was 5 years old.. blah blah blah. Maybe just a few paragraphs about yourself. Then go into the vegetable list and recipes and whatever additional information you think would be relevant. And that's it. The entire report could be 5 pages, 10 pages, 20 pages, or more. Whatever you think is appropriate... as long as it provides a satisfying solution to the problem. Okay, that's it for this video. In the next video we will go over how you can quickly and easily create the content for your short, sub-niche reports. See you there.