Video 5 - The "Evergreen System" Now, there is one additional, key step you want to take when going through the process of picking your sub-niche. I call it... The "Evergreen System" And this is key to determining if your chosen sub-niche is a LONG-TERM subniche and not a short-term fad. The key to this system is to focus on choosing sub-niches that aren't just short-lived phenomena. You want to focus on "evergreen" sub-niches. Sub-niches that are evergreen are relevant today, were relevant last year, and will be relevant (and popular) ten years from now. This gives you the opportunity to keep making money for many years to come and is crucial if you want to set up a real internet "retirement" system. Let's look at an example. We'll talk about "siamese cats" as I mentioned in a previous video. “Siamese cats” will almost certainly be a pet that people will treasure for years to come. Therefore there will always be people looking for solutions to the problems that come with owning a siamese cat (and be willing to PAY for those solutions). So we can be reasonably sure that the "siamese cats" sub-niche, which would fall under the larger "pet" market, is stable, reliable, and profitable for the forseeable future. But how can we be 100% sure? Is there a way to know if our chosen sub-niche is evergreen? There is, and to do is, you use Google Trends. Let's go over an example now... GOOGLE TRENDS VIDEO Okay, here we are at Google Trends. That's All we have to do is enter our main keyword phrase and for this example we will look at "siamese cats" Now, over the past 12 months, it's been very stable. When looking at this graph, the numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means there was not enough data for this term. So stable interest in a topic should fluctuate a bit but it should hover around 50 over the long term. So you can see, that over a 12-month period, interest in siamese cats has remained stable. Now, let's go back even further. If you click this little down arrow here, next to where it says "Past 12 months" you can change the time period. Let's go back 5 years. Now, it looks like the topic may have been a bit more popular in 2014, however, since 2016 it's remained steady. And we can reasonably assume that it will stay steady... that is unless news breaks tomorrow that Simaese cats are secret alien beings sent from the planet Neptune to destroy the human race. And that's very unlikely (although if you've ever owned a siamese, that theory isn't so far fetched.) Anyway, that's how you use Google trends to determine whether or not your chosen sub-niche is just a passing fad or if there is sustained interest over a long-term period. Okay, that's it for this video. In the next video I'm going to show you how to create your sub-niche products almost instantly. Stay tuned!