Video 4 - How To Validate the profitability of your chosen sub-niches Once you pick a sub-niche you're interested in, you need to take one more step to make sure it’s profitable so you don't end up wasting your time with it. To do this, I use a dead-simple process I like to call, the "Madvertising Method." Here's how it works... If the sub-niche you've chosen isn’t accustomed to spending money – and, generally, a “lot” of money, then there’s no point in directing any effort towards it. For example, anything targeting “College students” isn’t going to work very well simply because most of them are broke! On the other hand, “golfers” spend a gazillion dollars each year on their hobby … they certainly would qualify. So you could narrow down into the golfing market and focus on sub-niches within it. Think about the examples I gave you in the previous video. People DO spend money on eczema products. People DO spend money on their Siamese cats. People DO spend money on raw food diet books, supplements, and weight loss guides. How are you SURE that they spend money? Some sub-niches - like almost anything dealing with "weight loss" - are a no-brainer that people spend money. But some sub-niches aren't that obvious. So how do you find out for sure? Simple. If you’re not sure if people are spending money in your sub-niche, simply go to and do a search for your main sub-niche keyphrase. If there are people selling products using ads, then it’s safe to assume that there are people spending money in the sub-niche. For example: Let's do a search now for a strange sub-niche in the "Health" and "weight loss" markets. a phrase I found using the Discovery Method. It's “how to get rid of back fat”. Okay, here we are on Let's type in our phrase, "how to get rid of back fat" and then click search. As you can see there are ads here and down here as well. Let's try another phrase, one I also found using the Discovery method, it's "how to get rid of bags under eyes". Again, you have ads here, and down here. Let's do one more, this time using my own Go With What You Know example, home schooling. Let's try and narrow it down more, though, because home schooling would be more of a market and not a niche. So let's go back to ubbersuggest and do a search for home schooling. Now, normally I would want to make a list of around 10 to 15 phrases that I would verify, but for this example we'll just look at one. Here, I like this one, how to start home schooling. I think I could quickly and easily create and sell a short report outlining the fastest and easiest way to get started home schooling your child. Okay, so we have our phrase, how to start home schooling. Let's go back to bing and look and see if it's viable. Advertisers wouldn't be spending money on ads if the products they are promoting aren't selling. Why would they? If your product isn't selling, you're not going to throw away money on ads promoting it, right? So this is a great way to find out if a sub-niche you've chosen is viable and produce sales. Now, once you've chosen your sub-niche or sub-niches and verified that there are advertisers spending money, you should consider one additional step. We will go over this step in the next video. I'll see you there.